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Lutz Pumpen | Deutschland
Familienbetrieb seit 1954
+49 9342 879-0

Drum Pumps for small quantities, laboratories and pilot plant stations

When chemicals, acids, alkalis are to be filled or transferred, safety for people and the environment is of particular importance. Especially when filling small quantities, the exact quantity plays an essential role in the laboratory area.

When chemicals, acids, alkalis are to be filled or transferred, safety for people and the environment is of particular importance. Especially when filling small quantities, the exact quantity... leer más »
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Drum Pumps for small quantities, laboratories and pilot plant stations

When chemicals, acids, alkalis are to be filled or transferred, safety for people and the environment is of particular importance. Especially when filling small quantities, the exact quantity plays an essential role in the laboratory area.

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Barrel pump
LUTZ Elektrische Fasspumpe, Laborpumpe B2 Vario für Säuren, Laugen, Chemikalien, Öl Barrel pump Lutz B2 Vario Niro
for liquid lubricants and cleaning agents
Description: The B2 Vario barrel pump is suitable for thin-bodied, aqueous to slightly viscous...
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Barrel pump
Drum pump Lutz B2 Vario PP Drum pump Lutz B2 Vario PP
for low viscosity acids
Description: The B2 Vario barrel pump is suitable for thin-bodied, aqueous to slightly viscous...
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Barrel pump
Drum pump Lutz B2 Vario PVDF Drum pump Lutz B2 Vario PVDF
for higher heads
Description: The B2 Vario pump set is suitable for low viscosity acids, alkalis and chemicals....
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Bomba de tambor
Lutz Akku Fasspumpe - B2 Battery Niro ohne Akku Batería Bomba de tambor - B2 Batería Niro
para lubricantes líquidos y agentes de limpieza
Descripción: La bomba Bomba de tambor tambor de la batería B2 es adecuada para medios de cuerpo...
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Bomba de tambor
Lutz Akku Fasspumpe- B2 Battery PVDF ohne Akku Batería Bomba de tambor - B2 Batería PVDF
para los ácidos y álcalis concentrados
Descripción: La bomba Bomba de tambor tambor de la batería B2 es adecuada para medios de cuerpo...
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Bomba de tambor
Batería Bomba de tambor - B1 Batería PP Batería Bomba de tambor - B1 Batería PP
adecuado para pequeñas cantidades
Descripción: La bomba Bomba de tambor barril B1 Battery es adecuada para medios de cuerpo fino,...
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Bomba de tambor
Lutz Akku Fasspumpe - B2 Battery PP ohne Akku Batería Bomba de tambor - B2 Batería PP
para los ácidos de cuerpo fino
Descripción: La bomba Bomba de tambor tambor de la batería B2 es adecuada para medios de cuerpo...
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  +49 9342 879-232 (After-Sales)

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